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Industrial Robotic Training

Training for Robotic Operators

2 days - 14 hours
Training Site
Robowork training center or customer facilities
Official training certificate



Practical training course, where trainees work with robotic arm complemented with other peripheral equipment to the robot. This training course seeks to provide the trainees the necessary knowledge for operate an industrial robot.

Designed For
Robotic operators

Equipments available

The Robowork training center is equipped with several industrial robots from leading brands operating in the industrial world. It is also prepared, through complementary equipment, to direct training to the type of robotic application of each company. In case you prefer the training to be developed within your company, we have mobile robotic cells that we can move to your company, avoiding that you have to use your means of production and minimizing costs of stopping production.

Training available for the following robots:

  • ABB
  • Fanuc
  • Yaskawa Motoman
  • Kuka
  • Kawasaki
  • Comau
  • Kassow
  • Techman
  • Mitsubishi

The training courses developed by Robowork, are conducted in accordance with the pedagogical standards and recommendations of DGERT in order to ensure the correct teaching practices. All processes related to training were also audited so they can comply with best management practices and continuous improvement.


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